This page lists details about our finances and how they are managed as well as various reports that detail our activity, company policies and more.


Annual reports and financial statements

Latest Annual report and financial statements

The latest report contains a comprehensive view of the year’s activity. Details include:

  • Strategic and Director Report
  • Corporate Governance Statement
  • Independent Auditor’s Report
  • Consolidated profit and loss account
  • Company balance sheet

Previous Annual reports and financial statements

See details of the previous four reports:

If you would like a copy of a previous report, please contact [email protected].


Treasury policy

This policy sets out the appropriate parameters as deemed fit by the Board for Elexon’s banking arrangements, in order to minimise counterparty risk, while delivering a reasonable rate of return on the Elexon Group cash balances and being able to meet the organisation’s financial obligations.

Agreement with tax authorities

This document sets out the current agreements with the relevant tax authorities regarding Corporation Tax, Income Tax and Value Added Tax for both Elexon (BSCCo) charges and trading charges. These agreements are referred to in Sections D 2.4.1 and N 5.1.1 of the BSC.


Code of ethics

This Code of Ethics applies to Elexon’s directors, its employees and its contractors. It contains guidance and details and offers the following:

  • interests policy
  • corruption policy
  • gifts and hospitality policy
  • market abuse policy
  • staff resources
  • stakeholders and communities
  • protecting information, company resources and reputation.

Elexon Code of Ethics Policy

Environmental policy

We recognise that our operations inevitably have an impact on the environment. Elexon is committed to respecting the environment and seeks to minimise the potentially harmful effects of its activities as far as reasonably practicable.

Where practical, Elexon will seek to use providers who have environmental policies compatible with its own.

The objective of Elexon’s environmental policy is to aim to continually monitor and reduce its impact on the environment through the use of recycled resources, recycling, safe disposal of electrical and hazardous waste, redundant stationery & equipment, and energy saving measures.

Business plan

Wind turbines in a field

We annually publish our business plan for the upcoming year.

We release a draft version of the plan in December, which allows customers the chance to give feedback. We will then publish a complete version the following March.

When the completed version is published, you can view the plan online or download a PDF version.